Metro exodus trainer night faat
Metro exodus trainer night faat

metro exodus trainer night faat

Oh and another thing I love in Metro 2033 is that the grenades actually work and feel like grenades, unlike most FPS out there. Basically I am happily owning the human enemies now, and they can barely ever return fire. Because I am a crazy hoarder in any game I play, I was able to save enough for a stealth suit, silenced/scoped rifle/revolver, and that scoped weapon. On the other hand, finding semi unique weapons such as the bayonetted shotgun is not essential. They drop from virtually any human corpse, but those are all junk - good for refilling ammo. I found plenty of other weapons off course. So far I found a rifle/revolver, a "Tihar" pneumatic rifle, and a shotgun with a bayonet attached. Every descent weapon is cleverly hidden in such a way where it's not too hard to find, but not too easy either.

metro exodus trainer night faat

Metro 2033 really rewards anyone who is thorough and persistent in his search. You can find really good ones if you carefully look around. I can buy weapons everywhere they are available without any issues. The reason why you are having your issues, is off course because you are using a trainer. end of rant (and yes, I feel much better now) ) You don't need more weapons than are available either. There is NOTHING in this game that could possibly make you use a trainer. And believe me I am enjoying it by far more than you ever could. You might as well not be playing the game at all! You are ruining your experience and you'll never know what it was like for me to play this game without a trainer. Click to expand.I know I shouldn't judge or patronize people, but why the fuck are you using a trainer? No, no, no.

Metro exodus trainer night faat